Two Situations in Which Crafters Should Buy Batches of Wholesale Wooden Toys

Here are two situations in which crafters should buy batches of wholesale wooden toys.

They want to run craft workshops

If a crafter wants to run craft workshops, they might want to buy wholesale wooden toys for these events. Wooden toys could serve as excellent foundational items that the workshop leader could use to teach the attendees about various types of crafts. For example, they could teach the attendees to knit, crochet or sew small clothes for the wooden toys. They could also teach them how to decoupage the toys. Additionally, they could show them how to make small accessories for the toys using modelling clay. Lastly, providing unpainted wooden toys could also allow the workshop leader to teach their students how to use watercolour and acrylic paints to decorate these objects with paint.

Purchasing the wooden toys from a wholesaler would be a wise financial move for a crafter who plans to run workshops, as the money saved by purchasing these items at wholesale prices, rather than retail prices, could either allow them to make the workshop fees less expensive or could help them to generate higher profits from running these events.

They want to sell the crafts they make but are still developing their crafting skills

If a person would like to sell the crafts they make, but they don't yet feel confident about producing products from scratch because their crafting skills aren't fully developed, they should consider ordering wholesale wooden toys. By buying the toys at wholesale prices, the crafter could get their business off the ground without taking too much of a financial risk. This is important for any new business owner but is especially important for anyone who is concerned they don't yet have all of the skills required for the enterprise they're interested in setting up.

Each of these toys could serve as a high-quality base product, that the crafter could then add their own unique creative accents to. Because the main product would already be designed and constructed to a high standard, the crafter wouldn't need to worry about wasting time and money by handmaking toys that don't end up being of a high enough quality to sell. Instead, they could add some simple, colourful embellishments to these durable, well-made toys. They could begin by adding basic decor to the toys, in the form of glitter, small patterned fabric patches or acrylic paints. Then, as their skills develop and become more confident in their abilities, they could experiment with more complex crafting techniques, such as pyrography (where small hot tools are used to burn intricate and pretty patterns into wooden objects).  
